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  1. Hey IntimiDating (love the name)!

    I have a funny and somewhat personal question (don't laugh!). I have always be overwhelmed with school, work, and my involvement areas. I enjoy this lifestyle and I can easily balance my plate the way it is now. However, I want to add another side to my plate (if you want to call it that) and that is no other, but dating itself. I recently have found it hard to date while having a crazy-busy schedule. So here is my question to you.

    What are some tips and strategies that can help me manage a busy lifestyle as well as maintaining a healthy dating pattern? How can I relay a positive message to those I date that doesn't make them think I am too busy for them or that I cannot find enough time for them?

    (If you need clarification on what I'm asking, feel free to let me know)

    Thanks so much,

  2. What does the research suggest about how long you should date until you get married?

    1. That is a great question, we will look into it and then share what we find with you!

  3. IntimiDating!!

    Just like Oliver, I too have a crazy hectic schedule! My friends tell me I don't put myself out there enough, and when I tell them I don't have time, they tell me too make time. How is one supposed to be able to go out and meet people if their schedules so booked? I feel I'm becoming a hermit! My friends also tell me if I want it bad enough I will fit it in somewhere, do you believe that to be true too?


  4. So, what does your group think about internet dating vs. the regular blind date (set up by friends) - this seems like a total different way of finding a partner than some of us are used to -

  5. It does seem that young adults are waiting longer to get married - and I recently read an article that questions marriage as the traditional family/developmental timeline. What do you think about cohabitation and the delay of marriage commitment?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great question! Let me do some research and I let you know.

      Mackenzie P.
